photo by Bruce Byers

The Circumambulation of Mt. Tamalpais

The Circumambulation of Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County, California occurs four times each year on the Sundays closest to each solstice and equinox.

The practice was begun by poets Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, and Philip Whalen in 1965, and was inspired by ceremonial circumambulations that Snyder, and later Ginsberg, learned about while traveling in Japan, Nepal, and India (read more about the History).

This day-long walk covers just under 15 miles of terrain (a little longer in summertime) from Redwood Creek at the base of the mountain (elevation 150 feet) to its East Peak (elevation 2,571 feet) and finally back to the base, with a dozen stations along the way at which participants are invited to join in ceremonial practices such as chants and poetry readings that began with the originators and that continue to evolve. Those who don’t wish to participate in the full Circumambulation have the option to participate in the middle portion, which covers just over 6 miles (learn more about how to Participate).

The tradition continues thanks to the voluntary efforts of dedicated participants. Gifford Hartman is the current leader of the Circumambulation. Donations to the Circumambulation are welcome (see Donate).

photo by Catherine Girardeau